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Harnessing data insights for the automotive industry - Phase III

URN C23.0.528
Topics 5G, Enterprise architecture, Privacy & trust

Bringing contract revenue of nearly 100 million RMB yuan and reduce carbon emissions by 30%.

Through the use of privacy computing technology, the data of CSPs and vehicle enterprises are combined in compliance and security to serve the opportunities and challenges faced by automobile enterprises in operation, assist the development of vehicle enterprises and improve the development level of the digital economy.


Welcome to our resources, and I'm pleased to inform you that you can follow the structure below to learn about our goal of using data insights to improve marketing efficiency in the automotive industry,based on the privacy-preserving computing platform, we integrate data from multiple parties such as communication service providers and the automobile industry, in order to solve various issues occurring in automotive industry such as isolated data, privacy protection, and data regulation. Therefore, it can help auto enterprises make more accurate decisions and gain more profits.

Project Demo2



Project Document

Harnessing data insights to enhance marketing efficiencies in the car industry - Phase III

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Team members

AsiaInfo Technologies (China), Inc. logo
China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
China Telecommunications Corporation logo
China Unicom logo
Great Wall Motor logo
Shanghai Fudata Technology Co.Ltd logo
Shenzhen Greater Bay Area Financial Institute logo

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