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Value realization on cognitive service experience operations

URN C23.0.551
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Autonomous networks

At least 10% improvement due to the Cognitive Techco transformation.

The telecommunications industry is facing rapid challenges due to the digital era. Customers expect zero wait, zero trouble, and full interaction when using various services (e.g., OTT Apps). Internally, Telcos transforming into Techcos continue to make heavy investments to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness, but they also expect to see tangible value being actualized for the company and its customers. This Catalyst project proposes how to build a Cognitive Service Experience Operations system that can provide management and customers with tangible value by utilizing the latest digital technology. Using different value streams (such as Assure Customer Network Experience) and their business capabilities, Techcos will be able to precisely understand customer expectations and provide a superior experience, thereby increasing ROX (Return on Experience) in a dynamic and highly competitive digital market. Additionally, new sets of TMF-suggested principles are also being adopted and developed in accordance with the project's objectives. Multiple carriers all face the same challenge of demonstrating tangible value realization from the investment in Cognitive Service Experience Operations. Participants have developed the latest intelligent data analytics technology, Digital Twin, 5G technology, and Customer Experience tools to help these carriers achieve the Catalyst objectives.


#2023 Catalyst551 Project Overview# This Catalyst demonstrates the value of integrating cognitive intelligence into the service experience. By capturing customer actions and behaviors, Champions can gain insights into customer preferences and craft positive responses. These affirmations subtly cultivate customer affinity towards the Champions, even on a subconscious level. ► Challenge In the digital age, with ever-changing digital services and increasingly complex and personalized customer experience expectations, it will be more challenging for telco-operators to manage brand promises and continuously improve customer satisfaction. Such as customer expect zero wait, zero trouble and full interaction by using Various Digital Services (e.g. OTT Apps). Telcos transform to Cognitive Techcos continue to provide heavy CX Improvement Programs investment to improve operation efficiency & effectiveness and achieve brand aspiration. ► Solution Based on our research and practice, we have developed that Cognitive Service Experience Operations giving management and customers tangible value from a Techcos perspective, and providing customers with a superior experience and increase ROX (Return on Experience) in a dynamic and highly competitive digital market. Ultimately dynamically adapt to customer expectations and continuously realize value for customers and companies. The research and practices are also base on TMF assets under Managing and Measuring Autonomy (e.g.GB1040). #Diverse Champion Business Cases# →China Mobile & HKT: Automated Poor Experience Analysis to Prevent Customer Dissatisfaction from Becoming Complaints or Churn →China Mobile & China Unicom: Converged Service Experience Approach to Truly Manage FMC Customer Needs →China Mobile Guangxi & MTN: Stimulate Digital Service Consumption through CEI+ led Experience Operations →HKT & Robi: Ensure OTT Customer Experience Using Value Operation Framework (VOF) #Main TM Forum Assets Used or Contributed, Academic Paper (Published in USENIX ATC, IEEE ICDE etc)# ►We actively used and TM Forum research knowledge and concepts on this Catalyst Project. Team-mates also contributed and are contributing to TMF assets at multiple themes. ►One important contribution is in Digital Twin for Decision Intelligence under ‘Data & AI’ theme. Another contribution is made under ‘Autonomous Operations’ theme on the usage of ‘Value Operation Framework’. ►Gu Rong from Nanjing University has made contributions in areas such as GNN training, big data cleaning, stream processing performance enhancement and metadata model management., and has published papers in important publications such as ICDE and ATC.

1. C551 Project Overview

C551 Project Overview

2. Champion business use case

China Mobile Zhejing won Exellent Network Quality Award in China

HKT case on Catalyst C23.0.551

China Mobile Guangxi business use case

China Mobile Liaoning Demo for Catalyst C23.0.551

China Mobile Zhejiang Demo for Catalyst C23.0.551

3. Paper - Nanjing University has made contributions in areas such as GNN training, big data cleaning, stream processing performance enhancement and metadata model management., and has published papers in important publications such as ICDE and ATC.

Fluid: Dataset Abstraction and Elastic Acceleration for Cloud-native Deep Learning Training Jobs

Liquid: Intelligent Resource Estimation and Network-Efficient Scheduling for Deep Learning Jobs on Distributed GPU Clusters

Meces: Latency-efficient Rescaling via Prioritized State Migration for Stateful Distributed Stream Processing Systems.

SparkDQ: Efficient Generic Big Data Quality Management on Distributed

4. TM Forum Assets Used and Contributed

GB1040A HKT Use Case using MAMA Framework

Using TMF Asset Digital Customers Experience Metrics to the Catalyst 551

Showing HKT contributing to TMF Asset IG1316

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Team members

AsiaInfo Technologies (China), Inc. logo
BroadTech Technology Co., Ltd logo
China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
China Unicom logo
Hangzhou Eastcom Software Technology CO.,Ltd logo
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
MTN South Africa logo
Nanjing University logo
Robi Axiata Limited logo

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