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All projects

Converged access with ODA - Phase II

URN C23.0.561
Topics Network as a Service (NaaS), Resilience, Service orchestration

In a SMB market estimated to grow 25% to $800B by 2027, our champion estimates a 60% increase in SMB demand offering our service continuity solution.

The telecommunications industry is undergoing a major transformation, with the rise of new technologies such as 5G, IoT, and NaaS. This is creating a need for new ways to manage access networks and deliver customer experience. Phase II of this Catalyst builds on the work done in Phase I, which simplified network access across various forms of connectivity infrastructure. This phase aims to address this need by demonstrating the value of converged access to customer experience in a variety of application scenarios. By using TM Forum Open Digital Architecture, ODA components, and Open APIs, this project enables end-to-end closed loop assurance across various technologies and applications such as 5G networks, IoT, NaaS, and Industry 4.0. This allows CSPs to automate the selection of the best technology for customer intent and optimize SLA assurance. Converging the management of the access network technologies will drive increased revenues and deliver massive savings in OPEX and CAPEX.




Converged Access Sequence Diagram

Converged Access for ODA Component

C23.0.561 Converged access for ODA presentation final

Converged Catalyst for ODA Phase II Video

Catalyst Story and Quotes

Converged Access for ODA story and quotes

Inform feature

Delivering affordable, long-awaited technology-agnostic SLAs enabling CSPs to grow their SMB market share

Participants assets

Future Connections - NIx, network automation and orchestration


2022 Phase I Catalyst MP4

Converged access for ODA demo

Web Links

Incognito landing page for Catalyst

Contact team

Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.


Team members

Brillio logo
Claro Brasil logo
Future Connections Holding B.V. logo
GCI Communication Corp logo
Incognito Software Systems logo
MayerConsult Inc logo
NTT Group logo
Red Hat, Inc. logo
Verizon Communications logo
Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) logo

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