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Building customer trust through a multi-network assurance platform- Phase III

URN C23.0.565
Topics Business assurance, Network as a Service (NaaS), Open Digital Architecture (ODA)

CSPs can deliver SDN service capabilities, provided by partner with the benefit of extended range, improved service quality and enhanced cux.

featured image
The telecommunications industry is undergoing a major transformation, driven by the rise of 5G and the increasing demand for cloud-based services. CSPs need to adapt to this changing landscape in order to remain competitive. This Catalyst project will help CSPs to serve large B2B organizations with globally scalable products enabled by 5G network slicing and SD WAN. For example, this could enable smart manufacturers to provide remote assistance to factories. This will enable CSPs to offer new and innovative services to their customers, and to improve their competitive position. This Catalyst helps CSPs assume the role of the natural "go-to" by creating a highly automated platform for software-defined smart networks. This platform includes a state-of-the-art customer portal and AI ops assurance. It is designed to be applicable across any vertical market, and it demonstrates how a customer can alter the requirements of an existing virtual product. This change can then be relayed to multiple, relevant service providers, who can easily make concerted changes via their own product instance. The technology approach to address the Catalyst problem combines the use of TM Forum Open APIs to connect the multiple participating systems. This ensures that the changes to the virtual product are made in a consistent and timely manner, which is essential for providing a high-quality service to customers.


The catalyst will demonstrate an integrated and automated multi-operator service assurance capability supporting SD-WAN products in the RUN-phase. One CSP owns the interface to the customer, but depends on services from different operators acting as if they were all from one source. To deliver consistent service and an enhanced customer experience, the enterprise’s primary or “overlay” CSP will leverage partner CSPs (referred to as “underlay” CSPs) across different geographies. The solution will automate processes across the partner network ecosystem. In addition to providing guaranteed service levels to the enterprise, the catalyst will include a state-of-the-art customer portal embedding AI-guided operational assurance and experience orchestration capabilities. The solution demonstrates elements of a digital-first enterprise customer experience management for primary CSP and their partners in a collaborative business environment. These include visibility into the monetization of their SD-WAN services, including real-time charging, performance and QoS implications, and transparency and control over the collective resources managed by their primary CSP and its partners. The solution will also showcase how AI-guided experience monitoring and next-best decisioning at scale can help augment customer trust and proactively fill in experience gaps to improve monetization. Where enterprise network service offers are traditionally supported in an insular, siloed fashion within the primary CSP and across its partner CSP ecosystem, our solution will demonstrate how to interconnect numerous participating networks and systems using TM Forum Open APIs to provide an enhanced enterprise experience.


Digital Monetization Overview in C23.0.565

Service Assurance Use Cases - Catalyst C23.0.565

DEMO-Building customer trust through a multi-network assurance platform-2

DEMO-Building customer trust through a multi-network assurance platform-1

Inform feature

Consolidating the power of multiple CSP networks into a single cutomer interface

Partner resources

MATRIXX Digital Monetization for Growth-Centric CSPs

MYCOM OSI Solution Brief- Enterprise Assurance Solutions

SAP E-Commerce for Telecommunications

Flytxt AI for Customer Lifetime Value Maximisation


C23.0.565 Innovation Arena presentation

Narrative: Building Customer Trust Through Multi-Network Assurance


Building customer trust through a multi-network assurance platform- Phase III

Contact team

Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.


Team members

Airbus logo
Deutsche Telekom AG logo
Flytxt B.V. logo
IBM Corporation logo
MATRIXX Software logo
SAP logo
Telecom Egypt logo

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