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All projects

Trustworthy computing transaction service

URN C23.0.588
Topics Service orchestration

Boost utilization rate of computing services more than 50% , spurring millions in revenue & streamlining computing service collaboration.

The computing resources of network operators are currently fragmented and underutilized, which can lead to inefficiencies and higher costs. Computing service providers also want to serve more applications, but they may not have the resources to do so on their own. Computing service consumers want to use computing services from multiple providers with lower costs and more flexibility. This Catalyst addresses all of these challenges and aims to improve the efficiency and utility of computing resources, and to provide a more trusted and transparent computing transaction environment system, enabled by blockchain and AI technologies. The project will develop a trusted and transparent computing transaction system, enabled by blockchain and AI technologies. The system will decouple computing service consumers and providers, dynamically matching requests and supplies for computing service consumptions. This will benefit computing service consumers, providers, and bearer networks. Specifically, the project will: * Define the architecture of the computing transaction system. * Develop the algorithms for matching requests and supplies. * Integrate the system with bearer networks. * Deploy the system and test its performance. Overall, this project has the potential to improve the efficiency and utility of computing resources, and to provide a more trusted and transparent computing transaction environment.


Welcome to the C23.0.588 Catalyst project space! This catalyst project is to seek solution to enhance close collaborations between the computing service demanders and suppliers, particularly for network and cloud operators, and to improve the efficiency and utility rate of their computing resources and services. The goal is to transform the current landscape into a more integrated, productive, and innovative environment. The space is designed to allow visitors to learn about the catalyst project, the team's relevent resources, and the TMF assets used. We’ll be showcasing our achievements at DTW23 - Ignite in Copenhagen on 19-21 September 2023 and look forward to having you come and work together. Kiosk and Zone: C30, Zone 1 Enjoy browsing!

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A smart, streamlined, trustworthy computing service market

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Use and Contribution of TM Forum Assets

Use of ZTP Architecture

Use of TMF916 ZTP Open API

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Contribute to ZTP Revenue API

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Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.


Team members

AsiaInfo Technologies (China), Inc. logo
Beijing Baidu Netcom Science Technology Co., Ltd. logo
China Telecommunications Corporation logo
China Unicom logo
Huazhong University of Science and Technology logo
Primforce Technologies Ltd. logo
Saudi Telecom Company logo
Sudo Technology Co. LTD logo

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