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All projects

GenAI Hyperautomation for customer and business operations

URN C24.0.658
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Customer experience management, IT & process automation

Generative AI stimulates new customer experiences and automated operations throughout the entire product and customer lifecycle

This catalyst aims to bring a new experience to customers and business operations by leveraging technologies such as generative AI and big data. Targeting the characteristics of numerous small and micro-enterprise customers with scenario-based and personalized needs, the project aims to achieve full-process automation from requirement creation, solution suggestion design, tariff design, implementation delivery,and personalized service through the creation of dedicated digital employees. Sales personnel are assisted by digital twins, enabling more efficient communication with customers and the provision of personalized sales and service. Operational management personnel are able to conduct risk identification, opportunity identification, and problem identification based on the data interacted by digital twins, providing full-process control tracking reports and action suggestions. IT support personnel achieve efficient transition from demand to design through automated reminders, and various communication methods, and provide model and code develop suggestions, significantly improving development efficiency. The implementation of this project will reshape the end-to-end hyper-automation process of telecommunications operations, not only enhancing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency but also bringing new development space to the telecommunications market.


1.Introduction & Overview

C658 Project Overview

C658 Arena

C658 Project Overview

2.Solution and Business Impact

C658 Solution and Business Impact

3.Champions’Business Cases

C658 Champion's Business Use Cases

In-Sale Cloud Computer Purchase

After-Sale Complaint Troubleshooting

Pre-Sale Solution

4.1TM Forum Asset Usage
















4.2TM Forum Asset Contribution




4.TM Forum Assets

C658 TM Forum Assets

5. Presentation PPT & DEMO

C658 Onsite Presentation

AI-driven scenarios for Pre-Sales Use Case

6.Supporting Documents

Whale Cloud AIGC-(digital human)

JiuSi AI Large Model Product Manual

AsiaInfo AISware Insights Domain-specific LLM Product and Solution Portfolio

7.Team Collaboration

Team Collaboration

Contact team

Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.


Team members

AsiaInfo Technologies (China), Inc. logo
China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
China Telecommunications Corporation logo
China Unicom logo
SI-TECH Information Technology Ltd. logo
Whale Cloud Technology Co., Ltd logo

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