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Interoperable logical resource management platform

URN C24.0.694
Topics Culture Transformation, Ecosystem management, Open APIs

Standardizing and streamlining number management for the IoT era

CSPs have long struggled with Logical Resource Management, a critical but uncharted capability. The challenge has grown with each wave of new network technologies and services, from IP addresses to the surge of mobile identifiers, and now the exploding world of IoT numbers. Achieving a standardized resource porting environment remains a significant hurdle for our industry - the inherent variability of the process, driven by geographically diverse regulations and product-specific requirements, makes it sound to have a one-size-fits-all solution unrealistic. Most incumbent CSPs across the globe work closely with their peers and regulatory bodies to traverse its way through a mesh of complicated regulatory requirements , non-standard processes and architecture. While navigating their way through this hurdle they have commitment to their customers to deliver services quickly and seamlessly. To meet these commitments it is necessary to standardize logical resource management and portability processes. This Catalyst aims to build a reusable logical resource management and porting platform that empowers CSPs to operate more effectively, and foster interoperability across the industry and with regulatory bodies. By establishing a standardized approach that leverages scalable, cloud-native orchestration, this platform gives CSPs more complete control of their logical resources, streamlining management within their own network and with ecosystem partners. TMF Open Digital Architecture (ODA) principles were a central focus in the design of this catalyst. Through deep collaboration amongst the champions and participants involved in this program, we conducted a rigorous analysis of related open APIs, including those yet to be published, and this analysis benchmarked the APIs against typical industry use cases, validating their effectiveness. Furthermore, valuable insights from this analysis led to recommendations for potential API modifications, enhancing their adaptability. The end-result of this program will deliver a comprehensive suite of API enhancements, along with a detailed description of a platform that strictly adheres to TMF standards. Additionally, we will provide a minimum viable working model to demonstrate the platform's functionality


1. Logical Resource Management Use Cases

Logical Resource Management Use Cases

2. Reference Architecture and Workflows

Numbering Journeys - Workflows

LRM Reference Architecture

3. Analysis and Proposed Enhancements to TMF Open APIs

Proposed TMF Open APIs Enhancements

Exploration and Analysis

4. Business Benefits

Business Benefits

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Team members

BT Group plc logo
Ciena Corporation logo
Infosys logo
Tata Consultancy Services logo
Verizon Communications logo
Vodafone Group logo

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