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GenAI empowers computing force network

URN C24.0.705
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Autonomous networks, Intent-based networking

Allocating computing power intelligently to customer needs

In an era where AI is increasingly integral to various processes and services, the demand for computing power is on the rise – efficient allocation of these resources is therefore crucial. To streamline the use of computing power and network resources, it's essential to align customers' original intentions with the capabilities and services of the computing network. This Catalyst aims to provide an intent-based computing resource service supported by generative AI (genAI) and automation: through intelligent detection of resource requirements, it will allocate computing resources accordingly, ensuring optimal efficiency and user satisfaction. To accomplish this goal, the project will employ service orchestration technology to streamline complex network business processes. It will then be possible to engage with business stakeholders such as customer managers using (genAI) - either through speech or text - in conjunction with large language models (LLMs), and then intelligently align identified intentions with the appropriate services. This system operates as an AI assistant, employing closed-loop verification to allocate computing resources based on customer needs. This will help customer managers recommend the necessary resources for complex network computing services with ease. Through multiple rounds of dialogue, recommendation, and negotiation, the system will obtain comprehensive input from customers and executes subsequent processes automatically. It can then adapt to the personalized business needs of customers, lower the usage threshold for computing power and networks, and foster the emergence of new businesses. Throughout the entire process, the intelligent assistant will function as an experienced business and network expert, matching solutions to customer needs. This will simplifiy the tasks of customer managers and maintenance workers, handling order acceptance and manual provision and configuration work at each stage. Ultimately, the Catalyst aims to streamline computing resource allocation management, automate customer interaction, service model matching, process execution, and end-to-end delivery. This Catalyst will provide the industry with an innovative new business model allowing customers to express their needs verbally or textually, bypassing the need to navigate fixed products on operator portals.


Welcome to our exciting catalyst, "GenAI empowers computing force network"! Please come to our booth for a closer look at kiosk C4. The explosive growth of GenAI/LLM accelerates the development of intelligent business, which will permeate all aspects of human's life and production. It is predicted that by 2030 AI computing will account for 7% of a company's total IT investment. Global AI investment is expected to exceed $500 billion. The current utilization of intelligent computing force is characterized by high construction costs and low operational efficiency, as well as a full life cycle management solutions. Computing force network (CFN) will play a pivotal role on democratization of supply of computing force for all and accelerate to AI based transformation. In this catalyst project we are developing a prototype AI native system which tackles the business intent management, computing force and network resources convergent orchestration/scheduling, and service experience level agreement (ELA) assurance. The system references TMF framework, ODA component, and API interface assets, it combines LLM-based multi agent collaboration, BPM generation, computing force distribution and intelligent orchestration of converged network, provides one-stop computing force network (CFN) service towards end users. An AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) interview service requires dynamic collaboration across cloud, edge computing resources. We will demonstrate an innovative use case: “Talent Nexus,” an AI interview service provider, offering its services to the client “Future Drive”. Talent Nexus subscribes to AI training and reasoning services from a Communication Service Provider (CSP), leveraging technologies such as voice recognition, semantic analytics, video analytics, and behavioral analytics. The CSP delivers an end-to-end solution encompassing business intent recognition, resource selection, application deployment recommendations, service provisioning, and ELA assurance. Consequently, Talent Nexus benefits from instant, accurate, and high-quality CFN services provided by the CSP without the need to build and maintain its own ICT infrastructure. Simultaneously, the CSP achieves resource monetization and reduces operational costs through its AI-native CFN management system.

1. Introduction presentation

C705 Arena Deck

C705 Catalyst Overview

2. Introduction Video

Catalyst Introduction Video

3. Business Analysis

C705 Business Analysis

4. Technical Solution

C705 Technical Solution

5. DEMO Videos

01. end-to-end DEMO

02. GenAI-BPM generation DEMO

Inform feature

How to integrate computing and networking services autonomously through AI

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Team members

AsiaInfo Technologies (China), Inc. logo
Beijing Ultrapower Software Co., Ltd. logo
China Academy of Information and Communications Technology(CAICT) logo
China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
China Telecommunications Corporation logo
China Unicom logo
TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd logo
UBiqube logo
Whale Cloud Technology Co., Ltd logo

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