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All Moonshots

Tackle challenge of B2B solution complexity with ODA

URN M25.0.779
Topics B2B Services, IT Transformation, Open Digital Architecture (ODA)

Telco-oriented practice of integrated ODA components

featured image
ODA (Open Digital Architecture) has been recognized as the distinct guideline of IT architecture, especially in the telecom context. Considering the complexity and flexibility of marketplace, CSPs often invest on their IT system for the vertical enterprise market, such as IoT lines of business. Most CSPs prefer to see a comprehensive ODA stack (ODA-in-a-box) since their expectation is such IT system will enable an overall suite of various enterprise services that can be sold to their vertical industrial customers. ODA box design principle is meant to help CSP achieve such ODA-driven transformation and finally succeed in the advent of new network technology, mainly the BSS/OSS, when the number of connectivity on the devices is going to expand dramatically. The principle is a holistic picture of ODA components and their interactions for the purpose of building the IT architecture. In the new phase, this Moonshot project focuses on B2B sales and solution proposals to meet the requirements of vertical industry. It will introduce the IT system based on "ODA in a box" which has flexibility and maturity for CSP to solve the complication challenge.

Team members

China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
China Unicom logo
Ericsson Inc. logo
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
Mobile Telecommunications Limited logo
PT Telekomunikasi Selular logo
Safaricom PLC logo

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