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Autonomous CEI for zero-touch 5G and wifi networks - Phase V

URN C25.0.794
Topics Autonomous networks, Customer experience management, Open Digital Architecture (ODA)

Prioritizing convergence, intent-based services, and sustainability for optimal customer experience and sustainability

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The telco industry is currently facing several challenges in managing and operating increasingly complex networks. These networks now incorporate new open-architectures, virtualization, automation, expanding 5G technology and network as a service models. Additionally, there is a critical need to ensure the highest Quality of experience while improving the network efficiency. Anticipating the customers’ pain points and proactively implementing autonomous solutions before any service degradation occurs – across both fixed and mobile networks – is central to this project. In this phase, we are expanding on previous achievements, including predictive capabilities, root cause analysis (RCA), digital twin technology, capabilities exposure, and Wi-Fi networks. We are enhancing the Customer Experience Index (CEI) to include Customer Care interactions leveraging Generative AI for Customer Care. Our goal is also to create a unified CEI for convergent networks (integrating Wi-Fi and 5G) and to explore CEI applications for Sustainability, dynamic slicing and intent services, always focused on the customer experience improvement. Yet these challenges also present potential opportunities, enabling CSPs to deliver added value services to market sectors, enterprises and consumers with higher levels of quality and efficiency.


Explore the previous phases of this project

Autonomous CEI for zero-touch 5G network - Phase I

Autonomous CEI for zero-touch 5G network – Phase II

Autonomous CEI for zero-touch 5G network - Phase III

Autonomous CEI for zero-touch 5G and wifi networks - Phase IV

Team members

Case On IT SL (MedUX) logo
Elisa Corporation logo
Optare Solutions logo
Tupl logo

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