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GenAI propels NetOps for 5G - Phase II

URN C25.0.809
Topics 5G, Autonomous networks, Open Digital Architecture (ODA)

A new AI-enabled cloud-native stack to drive NetOps for 5G slice management

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The Catalyst aims to create a comprehensive cloud-native stack designed to tackle significant challenges in the areas of network assurance and service management. This will support 'zero-X' operational use cases. To foster new innovations while preserving current investments in network infrastructure and operations support systems, Catalyst envisions establishing a 'lights out' or 'dark' NOC (Network Operations Center). In this model, operations conducted outside the NOC will establish policies and automation workflows.


Explore the previous phases of this project

DarkNOC: GenAI propels insights driven NetOps

Team members

BT Group plc logo
Infosys logo
Iquall Networks Inc logo

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