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Network & IT operation & security management with AI mesh services

URN C25.0.831
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Autonomous networks, Customer experience management

Converging NOC & SOC by meshing & integrating Generative & LLM to substantially reduce response time and improve user experience

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With the advent of AI, every Vendor has some sort of AI/ML tools for SOC and NOC Operations. As a wholesale Operator, the challenge is to create an AI mesh service to better MTTR and Access Seeker's Customer service. As of today, DNB Service Desk agents leverage Intent Based Operation and Automation to serve 6 national Malaysian carriers. With generative AI capability integrated within the DNB ServiceOps tool, DNB Service Desk agents will be supported in self-serve information related to 5G sites, automated resolutions, and improved problem-solving capabilities all through a fully conversational experience with the bot. This will result in a substantial reduction in resolution time. The Catalyst will also show the ability to “break walls” between NOC and SOC showcasing the capability to correlate security events to network performance KPI degradation.

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BMC Software, Inc. logo
Digital Nasional Berhad logo
Ericsson Inc. logo

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