Figure CI.02 - CommunicationInteractionItem overview

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Figure CI.02 - CommunicationInteractionItem overview : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 6/13/2024 3:33:39 PM
A CommunicationInteractionItem is the smallest entity in a CommunicationInteraction tree.<br/>It concerns a unique CommunicationInteractionUseCase and involves the same CommunicationInteractionRoles from the beginning to the end of it.<br/>A CommunicationInteractionItem might have one or many CommunicationResult such as “create a CustomerOrder” and “notify the CustomerOrder”.<br/>A CommunicationInteractionItem might have related Attachment such as the recorded conversation or embedded document in an email.<br/>A CommunicationInteractionItem cannot be contained in more than one CommunicationInteraction.<br/>A CommunicationInteractionRole is either a PartyRole or a ResourceRole involved in a CommunicationInteractionItem.<br/>There might be one to many CommunicationInteractionRoles involved in a CommunicationInteractionItem.<br/>        • 1 CommunicationInteractionRole if the interaction corresponds to a communication through Media<br/>        • 2 CommunicationInteractionRoles for simple interactions between Parties and / or Resources<br/>        • more than 2 CommunicationInteractionRoles when all the parties interact in the same Place (ex: face-to-face training, face-to-face marketing presentation) or through the same ContactMedium (ex: conference call)<br/>