An Attachment represents the valid period of a Document attached to another Entity such as the scanned paper contract signed by the Customer attached to his subscription (i.e. Product).<br/>A Document might be attached to any type of RootEntity for a certain period of time through the Attachment Entity.<br/>
<font color="#228b22">Date of attachment of the Document to a RootEntity.</font><br/><font color="#228b22">Note: This date might be different from the start date of the validFor period. For example when new contractual conditions are prepared in advance but will apply only at the first day of next month.</font><br/>
<font color="#ff0000">The period for which the EntitySpecificationAttachment is valid.</font><br/><font color="#ff0000"><br/></font><font color="#2e8b57">Proposal:</font><br/><br/>
Source Role
Target Role
«TMF_BusinessEntity» ChangeRequest
Business Entity