<b>Executive Summary</b><br/>The intention of this document is not to try and define a radically different model of a project, but to provide a generic model, based on current industry best practice that can be used to link parts of the SID model together. <br/>Unfortunately, there is no industry standard project model that we can adopt, so the approach of this document is to provide a generic project management model and to extend that model by SID blades (sub-classing), reflecting specific project management techniques.<br/>Accordingly, this document models a generic Project ABE that is independent from specific project management methodologies provides the ability to plug in extension blades, specific for project management methodologies.<br/>The first blade, provided by the C2M Best Practices team is documented at the end of this document. Blades describing other project management techniques may be provided in future releases of the SID.<br/><br/>Projects are executed to generate business value for the enterprise. This business value is specified by the Vision which addresses distinct BusinessObjectives of the enterprise. <br/>The Vision is the common understanding of all parties involved in a project (either directly or as a stakeholder) about the goals of a project, the key success criteria, timeline and impact of not doing the project.<br/>