[Sgt-01-I01] Examples of Criteria

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[Sgt-01-I01] Examples of Criteria : Object diagram
Created: 6/6/2022 9:14:02 AM
Modified: 6/14/2023 11:29:25 AM
Three types of Criterion exist.<br/><ul>
<li>Case 1: <b>Existing information</b></li></ul>
<li>The information corresponding to some criteria previously exist in the model. In this case, we only need to specify where the information is.</li><li>Here the country of residence of a Party can be found thanks to the relationship “is citizen of” between Party and Country in the attribute “iso3code”</li></ul>
<li>Case 2: <b>Calculated information not recorded</b></li></ul>
<li>The information corresponding to some other criteria do not exist directly in the model and have to be calculated.</li><li>In this case, the first option is to calculate it each time it is required and not to record it.</li><li>Here “age” and “is a customer” are calculated for each use.</li></ul>
<li>Case 3: <b>Calculated Information recorded</b></li></ul>
<li>The second option is to calculate it each time an event occurs (Ex: each first day of the month) and to record it in the model.</li><li>In this case, we specify where the information is recorded to use this when we use the criterion.</li></ul>
<br/>Here Mobile voice and Fixe Internet usage per month are calculated and recorded in the Entity PartyScore.<br/>