Figure Sgt.04 - Sub-Segments

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Figure Sgt.04 - Sub-Segments : Class diagram
Created: 4/8/2022 12:00:00 AM
Modified: 9/17/2023 1:11:59 PM
A Segmentation might be decomposed as Segments each of them being a combination of Conditions (combined with AND or OR). These Segments are specified thanks to the SegmentSpecification.<br/>Segmentation might be defined so that segments might be disjoined or not, continuous or discontinuous.<br/>For example, the market segmentation contains several segmentations Pan European, Sub-Saharan Africa…, each of them being decomposed as combined conditions (Ex: Pan European Segmentation decomposed as Mobile reluctant, Basic Communicators, Pragmatics…segments).<br/>The size of the calculated Segment corresponding to a SegmentationSpecification might be limited by a lower and upper size.<br/>A SegmentSpecification might be composite. In this case, each SegmentSpecification composed refine the criteria specified at the CompositeSegmentSpecification level.<br/>A CompositeSegment corresponds to the sum of the composed Segments.<br/>