Figure Sgt.03 - Calculated Segment

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Figure Sgt.03 - Calculated Segment : Class diagram
Created: 4/8/2022 12:00:00 AM
Modified: 9/17/2023 1:18:16 PM
According to the SegmentionSpecification or SegmentSpecification triggeringEvent, the Segment is built.<br/>The validity period is calculated according to the triggering event.<br/>For example, the Pan European Segmentation’s calculation might be triggered each month, therefore a Pragmatics Segment will be calculated in January classifying Parties P1, P2 and P3 and another one will be calculated in February classifying Parties P1, P2 and P4. It is assumed that in February, the Party P3 do no longer comply with the Pragmatics Segment’ CriterionCondition and that party P4 complies with it.<br/>The Segment classifies RootEntity’s instances for which the CriterionCondition is “True” when it is built.<br/>The attribute respectsThreshold specifies if the Segment respects the lower and upper size defined by the SegmentSpecification.<br/>