Figure Tpgy.06 -Topology ABE - Support for virtualization /virtual resources

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Figure Tpgy.06 -Topology ABE - Support for virtualization /virtual resources : Object diagram
Created: 11/1/2023 2:59:03 PM
Modified: 12/6/2023 9:44:09 AM
TR244 TM Forum Information Framework Enhancements to Support ZOOM R15.0.1 | TM Forum  provides the formal modeling foundation underpin the architectural Connectivity models in TR255A. It defined the link amongst NFV concepts of<br/><ul>
<li>Virtual Resource</li></ul>
<li>Network Function</li></ul>
<li>Network Service</li></ul>
And the Information Framework counterparts and the necessary additional attributes and associations.<br/>It then defines how the concept of graphs as defined and adopted in the Information Framework are used by these definitions to describe relationships.<br/>It is this work that determined the classes and content of the Topology ABE.<br/>It was introduced to provide a generalized mathematical graph that can be  subclassed. For virtualization the types of graphs needed included:<br/><ul>
<li>adjacency graph</li></ul>
<li>connectivity graph and</li></ul>
<li>a specialization of Adjacency graph to support NFV namely Forwarding graph defined in NFV to express adjacency requirements between the Connection points of the Network Functions composing a Network Service</li></ul>
<li>Internal Network Function Internal topology expressing the adjacency requirements between the internal connection points of the VNF Components</li></ul>
This is illustrated in image 1<br/>