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Promoting sustainable mental health and diversity in a trusted AI domain - Phase III

URN C23.0.463
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Data management, Privacy & trust

AI Empathy “Connecting tech to trust for human wellbeing”

AI is fast becoming increasingly important in the digital transformation of many industries, including telecommunications. Ensuring trust in AI systems, while being transparent and responsible to the community, is essential for its widespread adoption and use. This responsibility extends to supporting vulnerable groups and principles such as mental health and diversity. To help telcos adopt and embrace AI into their transformational journey, they need to be equipped to build Trustworthy AI. This will enable AI solutions to be responsible enough to support the wider adoption of inclusiveness in telecommunications, media, and technology (TMT) domains. Mental health and diversity are especially important as we evolve to Web 3.0 and metaverse ecosystems. This project will develop a trust measurement system to ensure that AI models and algorithms are built, delivered, and maintained to be inclusive, responsible, and ethical in support of UN sustainability goals.The trust measurement system will be based on continuous assessment of qualitative and quantitative factors throughout the lifecycle of an AI solution. This will support the wider adoption of AI in the telecommunications industry, and help to ensure that AI is used in a way that benefits society as a whole.

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Team members

BolgiaTen Limited logo
Dialog Axiata PLC logo
Paus TV (barndoor Technology Limited) logo
Prodapt North America, Inc logo
Robi Axiata Limited logo

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