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AI-driven offer lifecycle management

URN C24.0.654
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Customer experience management, Product lifecycle management

Harnessing AI to optimize offers and target investment

Providing tailored offers to every customer is a driving vision for many communication service providers (CSPs) today. In practice, this would require significant time and effort, creating added complexity to manage across an organization. With this Catalyst, using AI, we’re taking key steps towards realising this vision by addressing two of the key challenges for managing the offer lifecycle in a world of mass customization: Creating real-time, tailored offers for every customer to enhance their purchasing experience. * With our AI-based offer design assistant, we are using AI to dynamically assemble new personalised offers and pricing based on a customer’s context, needs, and other data, scoring offers on their potential for success. Efficiently managing the offer lifecycle in the context of mass customisation. * Through our AI-based catalogue rationalization assistant, we are using AI to analyse all created offers based on their commercial success, offering recommendations to CSP product and marketing teams, helping them rationalise their catalog for easier management across lines of business. Both use cases rely on commercial intent information, including customer context, needs, and budget, the service provider’s business goals, and commercial offer scoring. The target benefits of our AI-driven offer lifecycle management solutions include: 1. Lowering the time and costs of creating, delivering, and managing personalised customer offers at scale 2. Driving increased sales among new and existing customers 3. Improving customers’ satisfaction and their overall experience


1. Catalyst Overview

Catalyst Pitch

FAQ - AI driven offer lifecycle management

AI Driven Offer Lifecycle Management Arena Presentation

2. Business Impact

AI-assisted offer personalisation

AI-assisted catalog rationalization

Concept Deck

3. Customer Experience

Customer Engagement Journey Design

4. AI Catalyst Implementation

AI-assisted offer personalization implementation

AI-assisted catalog rationalization implementation

TMF Assets used in AI-driven offer lifecycle management Catalyst

5. Champion Testimonials

Champion Testimonial - David Liebke, Viasat

Champion Testimonial - Patricia Ventura Gomez, Telefónica Global

Champion Testimonial - Florian Estendorfer, Telefónica Germany

Champion Testimonial - Sudhakar Lanka, Verizon

Inform feature

How to use GenAI to create and manage intent-based customer offers

Contact team

Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.


Team members

Amazon Web Services, Inc. logo
Aussie Broadband Limited logo
AwareX, Inc. logo
Hansen Technologies logo
Prodapt North America, Inc logo
Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG logo
Verizon Communications logo
Viasat, Inc. logo

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