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Cell site structure data and API standardization for site qualification analysis

URN C25.0.826
Topics 5G, Digital twin, Open Digital Architecture (ODA)

Create a standard API for cell sites integration and site suitability analysis

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Standardize cell sites data structure and APIs within operator's ecosystem, and integration with external partners including (but not limited to) tower companies,real estate companies and digital twin/drone partners. This information can possibly be also monetized with external entities. With rapid demand for 4G and 5G densification, this can be further extended to include initial site suitability analysis to capture critical information such as, population density, vegetation, site elevation, wetlands, airports, hospitals etc. The proposed solution is to standardize data structure and APIs for building cell sites including site structure information, equipment information, sector information and property ownership information. This solution can be further extended to perform the site initial analysis in an automated way by using the geospatial capabilities offered by Google Maps, or Open Street maps. This will help in reducing the manual verification process and accelerate the potential site identification and eventually reduce the expenses on manual site surveys.

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