Figure D.03 - Document Catalog

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Figure D.03 - Document Catalog : SID diagram
Created: 2/12/2024 10:35:34 AM
Modified: 6/14/2024 7:15:23 PM
A Document can be produced according to a DocumentSpecification.<br/>DocumentSpecification corresponds to a template of document that can be used to produce either automatically or manually documents. DocumentSpecification can define, through DocumentSpecCharacteristic the different characteristics of a document like the fact that an Author Name, a Validation Responsible or a Version shall be captured or the awaited content of the different sections of the document.<br/>A DocumentSpecification can have one to many DocumentNature (like a mail corresponding to a welcome notification and containing advertising).<br/>A DocumentSpecification can have one to several file types (DocumentFileType) and a type of file may be managed by zero to several Software.<br/>A DocumentSpecification can use a Document as pattern (PatternDocument) in case of automatically generated documents. The later specifies fixed content (simple text) and elements that have to be retrieved to build the final document.<br/>A DocumentSpecCharacteristic allows to specify information, documents or documents’ specification that have to be included or captured (examples: Author Name, Validation Responsible, Version, content of the different sections of the document…) when building a Document based on the DocumentSpecification.<br/>Each DocumentSpecCharacteristic is described by a rule giving the conditions to evaluate to choose between the possible values (DocumentSpecCharacteristicValue).<br/>The type of information that has to be captured or retrieved is defined by the type of DocumentSpecCharacteristicValue (information, or Document or DocumentSpecification sub-classes).<br/>CharValueDocumentType is a type of DocumentSpecCharValue.<br/>CharValueDocumentType is used in the case of inclusion of a Document in a Document (example: User's guide included in a Welcome notification document).<br/>A CharValueDocumentType describes the type of inclusion (file inclusion or content inclusion) and the Document that has to be included in the final Document.<br/>A CharValueInformationType describes the rule to capture or retrieve the information (Ex: name of the customer) that has to be included in the final document.<br/>CharValueDocSpecType is a type of DocumentSpecCharValue.<br/>CharValueDocSpecType is used in the case of inclusion of a DocumentSpecification in a Document.<br/>CharValueDocSpecType describes the type of inclusion (file inclusion or content inclusion) and the DocumentSpecifcation that has to be calculated and included in the final document. <br/>A DocumentSetSpecification enables to specify a DocumentSet (group of documents that have a meaning together like an Agreement containing general, particular and specific clauses).<br/>A DocumentSetSpecification may have several Nature (DocumentNature) like information, advertising, sales contract, note, welcome notification…<br/>