Figure LR.08 - Principal Subclasses of LogicalResource

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Figure LR.08 - Principal Subclasses of LogicalResource : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 10/3/2023 6:09:14 AM
The three attributes shown in LogicalResource are, of course, common to all of its subclasses. <br/>        • The lrStatus and serviceState attributes together define the current state that the LogicalResource is in. <br/>        • The isOperational attribute is a simple Boolean attribute – if its value is set to TRUE, then the LogicalResource is currently in operation.  <br/><i>Note: since the noun “status” is so common, we have chosen to disambiguate this attribute by prepending “lr” to it.</i><br/>The Protocol and ResourceNumber sub-classes are detailed later in this guide book.<br/>