Figure PR.14 - PhysicalConnector

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Figure PR.14 - PhysicalConnector : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 10/3/2023 6:28:47 AM
A PhysicalConnector is a concrete class that represents any type of hardware unit that is used to connect to other hardware units and transmit signals and/or power between them. The attributes of this entity are described in more detail in the Data Dictionary Section of this Addendum.<br/>PhysicalConnector is a subclass of Hardware, as is shown in the Figure below.<br/>The cableType and gender attributes define the type of connector and the type of cable that is attached to this connector (if any).  The pinDescription attribute is a free-form string describing the pin configuration and signal usage of a PhysicalConnector.<br/>The ConnectedTo association indicates that two or more PhysicalConnectors are connected together.<br/><i>Note that a PhysicalConnector is a sibling to the ManagedHardware class, which is discussed in the next section. Thus, a PhysicalConnector is a type of Hardware, but is not a type of ManagedHardware.</i><br/>