Figure An.01 - Anomaly Management Basic Entities

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Figure An.01 - Anomaly Management Basic Entities : SID diagram
Created: 2/8/2023 4:53:56 PM
Modified: 9/17/2023 1:27:29 PM
<font color="#29313b">The following figure shows the basic entities in Anomaly Management/Anomaly Lifecycle Management and how these entities relate to the SID RootEntities . Two key ABE related entities are represented - Anomaly ABE and ClosedLoop ABE. Anomaly ABE consists of an abstract Anomaly Class which represents the generic anomaly, which is defined using AnomalySpecification. Anomaly and AnomalySpecifications are expanded further in sections below. Anomaly is managed using an ClosedLoop which is defined using ClosedLoopSpecification.</font><br/><br/>