Figure P.19 – Organization structure, Currency and Business Operation Entity

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Figure P.19 – Organization structure, Currency and Business Operation Entity : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 8/20/2023 7:17:54 AM
BusinessOperationEntity is an entity operating its business independently based on its business objective and which a Customer, Partner or other business related PartyRole has an agreement with. For example, from Enterprise’s perspective, BusinessOperationEntity can be used to model MVNO and MVNE. For BusinessOperationEntity, the type of Organization might be company. <br/>It may have organization hierarchy and the lower BusinessOperationEntity may inherit the upper BusinessOperationEntity’s strategy and have its own one. E.g.: Headquarter and divisions. AtomicOrganization is a type of Organization that does not have any subordinate Organization. That is, an AtomicOrganization is a leaf-level Organization. CompositeOrganizaiton is a type of Organization that is formed by aggregating other Organizations, which may be atomic Organizations or OrganizationDecompositionComponents. OrganizationDecompositionType describes and specifies certain type of organization decomposition. OrganziationDecompositionComponent describes certain component after organization decomposition based on defined type by OrganizationDecompositionType.<br/>BusinessOperationEntity may use different Logo, Language and Currency (including CurrencyExchangeRate related to Currency). <br/>