Figure PF.01 - Basic Performance Entities

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Figure PF.01 - Basic Performance Entities : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 11/14/2024 4:35:52 PM
<b>Performance ABE Introduction</b><br/>This paragraph describes the SID Service and Resource Performance ABEs. This performance model could be extended to also support the SID Product Performance ABE.  These ABEs were developed to support the SID principle of inherent extensibility by employing SID modeling patterns.<br/>The ABEs concerned by this paragraph are:<br/><ul>
<li>in Product Domain: Product Performance</li><li>in Service Domain: Service Performance</li><li>in Resource Domain: Resource Performance</li><li>in Common Business Entities Domain: Performance</li></ul>
The Service Performance ABE collects, correlates, consolidates, and validates various performance statistics and other operational characteristics of customer and resource facing service entities. It provides a set of entities that can monitor and report on performance. Each of these entities also conducts network performance assessment against planned goals, performs various aspects of trend analysis, including error rate and cause analysis and Service degradation.  Entities in this ABE also manage the traffic generated by a Service, as well as traffic trend analysis. This is important for newer technologies that separate data, control and management functions for a given Service.<br/>The Resource Performance ABE collects, correlates, consolidates, and validates various performance statistics and other operational characteristics of Resource entities. It provides a set of entities that can monitor and report on performance. The entities in this ABE provide physical, logical, and performance information. Each of these entities also conducts network performance assessment against planned goals, performs various aspects of trend analysis, including error rate and cause analysis and Resource degradation. Entities in this ABE also manage traffic in a Resource. This includes statistics defining Resource loading, and traffic trend analysis.<br/><br/>The <b>Performance ABE</b> represents a generalization of attributes and relationships that are common to both the SID Service Performance and Resource Performance ABEs’ entities, such as performance indicators, thresholds, and consequences.  Resource performance entities is collected hop by hop (between two network elements), while service performance is an aggregation of multiple resource performance instances that constitute the path a service takes through a network.<br/>Two key entities that comprise the Performance ABE are PerformanceSpecification and Performance.  They represent an application of the SID EntitySpecification/Entity pattern.  A PerformanceSpecification and its related specification entities provide the definition of the performance attributes, such as KPIs, dimensions, and performance thresholds.  The Performance entity and its related entities provide the values associated with the manner in which a service or resource is performing or has performed, such as the loss of 5K packets between two network elements.<br/>Following Figure depicts the PerformanceSpecification and Performance entities along with the two types, or subclasses, of performance-related entities relevant to the model, ServicePerformanceSpec and ResourcePeformanceSpec, along with their related instance entities, ServicePerformance and ResourcePerformance.<br/>