This model defines a Site as:<br/><i>“A place that has (existing, planned or former) physical things or characteristics of interest to the Service Provider.</i><br/>Things of interest include Product Instance(s, Service Instance(s)) and Physical Resource Instance(s).<br/>Characteristics of interest include associated Parties (property owner, property lessee)”<br/>Site provides a convenient linking point to other parts of the SID model.<br/>A Site may be assigned many roles (or functions).<br/>Site Role types should be restricted to functions that cannot be easily derived from entities linked to the site. <br/>Some examples of Site Roles are:<br/> • Asset Location<br/> • Transmission Access Point<br/> • Competitor Access Point<br/> • Customer Access Point<br/> • Equipment Delivery Point<br/> • Cultural Site<br/> • Protected Area<br/> • Exchange Site<br/><br/>Site Roles should NOT be used for:<br/> • Network Equipment Types (e.g. ADSL site)<br/> • Network Equipment Roles (e.g. CCS7 Node – this is a role of the Resource)<br/><br/>Later in the document we will also define Geographic Location and Geographic Address roles. These other roles are modeled differently, which is why there isn’t a generic “Place Role” entity defined. <br/>