<font color="#29313b">Let’s consider 2 places where could be located StockItems:</font><br/><ul> <li><font color="#29313b">A Central Warehouse dedicated for online sales located in Paris</font></li><li><font color="#29313b">A local store in Lyon located in Lyon</font></li></ul> <font color="#29313b">The same StockItem might be available for Sale in different Places.</font><br/><font color="#29313b">In the Central Warehouse: 498 items available. Reorder request must be triggered under 500 items available. So in this context, a purchase must have already bene done with 1000 items requested.</font><br/><font color="#29313b">In a local store in Lyon: 92 items available. Reorder request must be triggered under 100 items available. So in this context, a purchase must have already been done with 200 items requested.</font><br/><font color="#29313b">Other StockLevel might exist for the same StockItem in the different Location for different Channels and / or in a different Status such as Damaged.</font>c<br/>