Figure SI.04-I01 - StockItemShipment and CustomerProductOrder

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Figure SI.04-I01 - StockItemShipment and CustomerProductOrder : Object diagram
Created: 5/5/2022 4:17:00 PM
Modified: 5/16/2022 5:44:57 PM
<font color="#29313b">In the same CustomerProductOrder a Customer has requested an Iphone Red and a Box to be shipped at home with the same shipment conditions.</font><br/><ul>
<li><font color="#29313b"><i>All CustomerProductOrderItems are not shown here to simplify the illustration.</i></font></li></ul>
<font color="#29313b">The shipment CustomerProductOrderItem specifies the ContactAddress where GoodsProducts have to be shipped.</font><br/><font color="#29313b">A StockItemShipment is created and specifies the Place and configuration of the shipment such as the delivery type “At Home”.</font><br/><font color="#29313b">A StockItemShipmentItem is created for each CustomerProductOrderItems for GoodsProducts (i.e. one for the Iphone Red and one for the Box).</font><br/><font color="#29313b">Each StockItemShipmentItem specifies the StockItem requested according to the GoodsProductSpec configuration carried by the CustomerProductOrderItem.</font><br/><br/>