Figure SI.03 - StockItemShipment overview

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Figure SI.03 - StockItemShipment overview : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 3/8/2023 3:03:05 PM
A StockItemShipment represents the order of Shipping received by the Supply Chain.<br/>A StockItemShipment might be triggered by a CustomerProductOrderItem of a ShippingProductSpec.<br/>Several StockItemShipments might be requested for example if all GoodsProductSpec are not available in the same StockLocation.<br/>Information coming from the ShippingProductSpec configuration are described at StockItemShipping level (to location, shipping delay…).<br/>A StockItemShipment might be triggered by one or many StockItemRequest. <br/>In this case information will come from the StockItemRequest(s).<br/>A StockItemShipment might be triggered by one or many StockItemRequest or exclusively by a CustomerProductOrderItem.<br/><i>The Supply Chain is in charge of optimizing the Shipments.</i><br/>